Contact Rep. Steve King about Obama’s Eligibility

Call Steve King’s office, today, and tell him that a newspaper ad is not sufficient proof of eligibility for a president of the United States. A thorough, honest and complete congressional investigation of his eligibility needs to be started now, not after the election! It is been four long years, already, and they still have not vetted him for eligibility for the office that he holds.

The president is NOT a king and he should provide complete access to documentation of his eligibility for office.

Click here to E-mail Congressman Steve King, if you live in his district.
Phone: 202.225.4426
Fax: 202.225.3193


Congressman Steve King on Obama’s Eligibility


Tracy” replies to Rep Steve King’s regarding Obama INeligibility

Would Liberatarian, Gary Johnson, Change the Game?

Gary Johnson, Libertarian Candidate
Gary Johnson, former 2-term Governor of New Mexico, is expected to be on the ballot on all 50 states. He is fiscally conservative, pro-business and socially liberal, in favor of smaller government, upholding the Constitution, eliminating the IRS, withdrawing from the endless foreign wars and ending the war on drugs. Please vote your preference. He would probably draw voters about equally from both parties.

Obama Eligibility – The ‘Dogs’ that did not Bark

Let’s connect the dots on eligibility. In the Sherlock Holmes short story, “Silver Blaze,” by Sir Authur Conan Doyle, the critical clue is that the watch dog did not bark when a race horse is stolen.

Regarding Obama’s eligibility, about 300 Republican dogs are not barking. These dogs are not even making a whimper about it, even though the evidence is being paraded right before their eyes by people like Sheriff Arpaio and attorneys Van Iron and Larry Clayman. Many have been wondering why, absolutely astounded that the Congress refuses to recognize this issue, while Obama has an obviously dodgy birth certificate posted on the White House website, where anyone can verify the problems with it.

In 2008, the Senate had a hearing on the eligibility of John McCain, when the question of his eligibility seemed much less in question. It would have been very embarrassing for the Republicans, if the Democrats had made a big issue of McCain’s eligibility and we know that both parties have desired for years to make an end-run around the Constitution and very much broaden the eligibility requirements for the presidency without bothering with those pesky rules for amending the Constitution.

So, the circumstantial evidence leads one to assume that the congressional Democrats and Republicans made a crooked deal to bypass the Constitutional requirements for eligibility.

If the Democrats would endorse John McCain’s eligibility, the Republicans would ignore any questions about Obama’s eligibility. Both parties will ignore future such eligibility issues for potential candidates, like Republican fair-haired boy, Marco Rubio, and others.

Democrats & Republicans Owned by Same Elites

Obama & Boehner Schmooze
While ‘Rome’ Burns
People need to understand that pretty much the same global financial elites control both parties and the reason nothing can be done about Obama’s corruption and trampling of the Constitution is that the Republican leadership is complicit.

The elites vote with their donations. The little people go to the polls and vote like zombies, pretty much for whichever candidate gets the most contributions from the global elites. Obama is openly having fundraisers in China and Europe now.

The Republicans do not want to do anything about it. They don’t need Harry Reed to investigate Obama in the House. This is likely also the reason that the courts will not do a legitimate investigation of anything that has to do with Obama’s eligibility.

The elites do not want Obama or other corrupt politicians to be severely punished or even embarrassed, because they are doing exactly what they want them to do. They like illegal immigration and the Constitution to be ignored. They want to concentrate power in Washington, D.C., because centralized power is easier to influence with money.

The two parties, with the cooperation of the media, lock out any third parties from being able to compete and spoil the game. Sure, the Democrats and Republicans still feel competitive with each other in elections, but it is like two Rugby teams of the same fraternity competing to win. It makes better theater. These parties are competing for the right to pillage and loot the country for another four years.

It does not have to be a conspiracy. The people with money recognize their common interests and act independently to support those who will help them reach their common goals.

If you think Romney is much different from Obama, you are very much deceiving yourself. Romney will, at best, represent a somewhat slower pace along the road to total control by the oligarchy.

The public is kept polarized, so that they will remain loyal to their respective parties. As long as people keep voting for whomever can raise the most money, this charade is going to continue.

Obama / Romney – Presidents Should not Want to be Gods

The Nazis and the Imperial Japanese, both had I-am-God cult religions that taught that the leader is God and the nation had a divine destiny to be transformed into an Utopia, according to their occult/pagan religious belief system. This is not a new idea, but goes back to the Babylonian and Egyptian mystery religions and even further. The Egyptian pharaohs were held to be the divine sons of God. The idea still exists more than you might think in cult religions and quasi-religious totalitarian political ideologies, today.

Adolf Hitler Portrayed as Divine
with Radiant Halo, the Aryan (white) Messiah

The religions of both Obama and Romney teach that man can become a “god” and the fate of the United States is fundamentally linked to their religious doctrines, which both have gnostic occult roots. In the case of Black Liberation Theology the destiny of traditional America is to be destroyed and transformed into an occult Utopia, ruled by the black race.

Obama Portrayed as Divine
with Radiant Halo, the Black Messiah

In Mormonism, America is supposed to become a Mormon theocracy. In both cases the transformation of America is prophesied to transform the world into an millennial kingdom on earth, which will be a real, physical, dictatorial, government lead by a human “messiah.”

It is just not a good idea, in principle, to accept this sort of occult religious idea for a president of the United States, the most powerful nation on earth with a nuclear arsenal that can obliterate the world several times over. Maybe for the president of a small powerless Third World country, say North Korea, it might not be so important, if he has a belief that he is a God.

Neither one of these men should be president, because they may well have a crackpot religious agenda, judging from their backgrounds. The office of the presidency should not be an equal opportunity position for new, home-grown religions, with a belief that leaders should be worshiped as gods.

If you vote for Romney, conservatives are just validating that kind of belief system. The Christianity-hating media wants you to do it and many politicians want you to do it. Two very good reasons to not go along with it. We should never have even let this type of thing get started by putting Obama in office. We certainly should not continue it with Romney.

In the last several decades, there has been a huge growth in occult religious movements the US. There are a lot of Republicans, as well, that have this kind of I-am-God religion and such people would like to see this type of thing made acceptable. That is really why the Republican leadership does not seriously object to Obama. It is also why many attack you so viciously, for things such as opposing Romney. There is an occult religious agenda behind it.

It’s not necessarily a conspiracy, but a very large and broad occult movement. Whether conscious or not, the public has been largely brainwashed by the mass media into rejecting traditional Christianity as bigotry and acceptance of occult religions.


Does Glenn Beck have a Messiah Complex?

Obama and the Black Nazi Movement

Obama and Romney – Boiling the American Frog

Americans – Ready to Jump?
There is an old saying that in order to boil a live frog you have to turn up the heat slowly. If you turn up the heat too quickly, the frog will jump out to liberty.

In recent decades international financial interests have become a much more important influence on American politics. Because so much money is necessary to win a presidential campaign, such forces drive both parties and they are to a large extent the same people. This does not have to be a tight conspiracy of a few people. It can be a movement of a large number of wealthy people, who have interests that overlap to a large degree.

The American people are outraged by Obama and are about ready to jump. Romney represents a slight reduction in the heat. He is also a lackey of those anti-American forces that would destroy American sovereignty and concentrate power in the hands of a few lapdogs and quislings, who are willing to kow-tow to these special interests. Election of Romney will just guarantee that this process of the destruction of American sovereignty continues, though at a somewhat reduced pace.

Obama has criminal, traitorous intent. He needs to be exposed and imprisoned. Election of Romney will just save Obama from American justice and they will be ready to do this all over again in four years.

Because there are only two easy choices does not mean that one of them has to be a *good* choice. That is a fallacy of logic that Republican zombies and kool-aid drinkers have been promoting regularly. There may not be an good and easy choice as has been the case several times in American history already. Sometimes Americans have had to bite the bullet and do things that are not easy or risk-free in order to keep their liberty.

Condoleezza Rice – Top Pick for Vice-President?

I used to respect Condoleezza Rice, but she was instrumental in starting the Freedom Agenda that undermined President Mubarak and began the process that led to the handover of Egypt, Libya and other countries to the Islamo-facist, Muslim Brotherhood.

Hitler and Mussolini also talked of “liberty” for their countries, but had something else in mind. That is also true of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ally of the Nazis during WWII. Condoleezza Rice is, at best, extremely naive and at worst a subversive influence.


Condollezza Rice also helped Obama install Raila Odinga in the Government in Kenya, who is Obama’s cousin. Rice is aligned with Obama and supports his Kenyan anti-colonialist stance that Gingrich mentioned.



Condi and Obama