Gnostic Occult Symbolism in the Obamacare Logo

Obama's Healthcare Logo

This note is an analysis the Obamacare logo as an occult symbol. The logo incorporates the Caduceus symbol, a symbol with gnostic occult connotations that has sometimes been erroneously used as a medical symbol, especially by Government entities in America.

The utopian, messianic self-worship of Gnostic belief drives a lot of politics in America. Communism and Nazism can both be considered to be modern day gnostic messianic movements, as well as can be other radical political movements. It has been said that politics is religion.

Gnostic belief has often infiltrated the Church and assumed the guise of Christianity. Obama’s church in Chicago, Trinity United Church of Christ, has a doctrine, which manifests aspects of a Gnostic occultism. It is based on the self-exaltation of the black man, racism and seditious anti-Americanism. Black Liberation Theology prophesies that destruction of white society and traditional America by a black “messiah”, which will bring on a global millennial utopia, God’s kingdom on earth. Obama even self-proclaimed the advent of God’s Kingdom, before he was elected.

Obama – We can create Kingdom of God on Earth

The winged staff with copulating serpents wrapped around it in the Obamacare logo is the Caduceus symbol, identified with the Greek god, Hermes. The cult of Hermes Trimegistus (thrice great) at the University of Alexandria was one of the main inputs into Gnostic belief. Other major inputs were the Zoroastrian end-times concept of the apocalyptic battle between good and evil and the utopian concept of Plato’s perfect society. Gnosticism is real spiritual religion, though it is not formally structured and can take on many diverse forms.

The Caduceus vs the Staff of Asclepius

The central belief of Gnosticism that a man can evolve himself to divine status, a god, as was an aspect of many per-christian tribal and pagan religions. The tribal chief was often worshiped as a god. Roman emperors were also worshiped as gods, in the Imperial Cult. It is in fact, the instinctive religious idea of man and for that reason is a very powerful principle of cults. Since it is instinctive it can be unconscious. Most of the Obama worshipers are obviously not conscious of it. This unconscious instinct, however, can be consciously exploited by unscrupulous political planners.

The “staff of Asclepius” shown below is the traditional symbol of medicine. Hermes is also the god, who conducts the dead souls into the underworld, which makes the use of the Caduceus in the Obamacare logo particularly interesting and ironic.

(aka Mercury)

Gnostics deny the uniqueness of Christ and Hermes was a Christ figure, who was not uniquely divine . In the Gnostic tradition, Hermes is a symbol of the perfect man or that any man can self-exalt himself to be a god-like, higher being, like Christ. It’s a central theme of the occult. Gnosticism is accretionary, that is borrows from many different religious traditions. Gnosticism has no difficulty grafting itself to Christianity, Judaism, Islam or other established, structured religions and assuming their trappings.

Black Nationalists/Black Liberationists believe that they are the original Jews, Christians and Muslims and that other, “white versions” of these religions are considered to be apostate. In the Bible, Lucifer was cast out for trying to put himself on the same level as God. For that reason extreme Gnosticism has often been labeled “Satanism” or “Luciferianism” by the traditional Christian church in less politically correct times.

The Obamacare symbol just happens to combine his logo with this symbol of Hermes, which can be taken to imply that Obama is a Christ figure, like Hermes, a man-god. This appears to be alluding to Obama’s occult belief system, much the same way that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. It is possible that it could be unintentional, but there is just much too much of this symbolism connected with Obama. His logo is a rising sun symbol, which is also often used as an occult symbol to represent the dawn of a new (occult) age. There have been many references among his followers that he is a god or messiah, which he never tries to squelch.

Occultists have used symbolism to communicate with other like-minded people for centuries, because some things can not be openly stated and most people don’t notice or recognize the symbolism. If some do notice, then the ambiguity of the symbolism always allows it to be denied and the accusations to be ridiculed.

Staff of Asclepius

Obama’s American grandparents were religious “freethinkers.” That is they were experimenting with many different kinds of religion. The so-called Little Red Church in Washington State, which they attended, is a Unitarian/Universalist Church. The Unitarian/Universalist church is a church for freethinkers and does not have or impose a common religious doctrine on the members. Their web page states that they welcome “diverse beliefs.”

Beliefs and Principles in Unitarian Universalism

They allow the individual to follow his own which may be Wicca, Paganism, Luciferian or whatever. So, Obama was raised in a family, which from the time before he was born had an interest in and was accepting of occult/pagan belief systems.

The United Church of Christ denomination is somewhat similar in that they do not have an agreed doctrine that is enforced on the member churches. Each congregation can determine the doctrine. For that reason Jeremiah Wright was able to make Black Liberation Theology the doctrine of Trinity. The doctrine of Black Liberation Theology has the characteristics of a race-based, Gnostic occult doctrine, as is indicated even in the name. Black Liberation Theology was largely inspired by the Nation of Islam, which is a black cult doctrine, posing as Islam, not traditional Islam. Black Liberation Theology in much the same way poses as Christianity.

Jeremiah Wright admits in his book on the history of Trinity Church, A Sankofa Moment” that the association minister alluded to it as a “cult” in the early days. Wright made the minister retract the statement with a personal threat and by playing the race card. Since that time the United Church of Christ has probably been too intimidated to criticize Trinity for their black-nationalist occult belief system. At the same time, we continue to get public hints that our president has an occult belief system.

Rush Limbaugh, who compared the Obamacare symbol to a Nazi symbol nearly had the right idea, because he recognized the symbol as being creepy and the Nazis also used this type of occult symbolism, but he just did not make the right connections. There are some similarities in the use of symbolism. The Swastika is an ancient pagan solar symbol as is the “rising sun” in Obama’s logo, often used to symbolize the transformation of the world and the dawn of a new occult age.

The movie “Natural Born Killers” is a movie by the “former” Scientologist, Oliver Stone, which is a good example of occult symbolism used in the entertainment industry. It is is an extremely violent “camp” movie that is full of occult/Nazi imagery and symbolism. There is a Caduceus symbol used in the drug store shootout scene.

Many dismiss the movie as harmless, but the Columbine killers were fascinated with it. When you use this kind of occult symbolism in the media it excites and fascinates some often very disturbed persons, who recognize what the symbolism means. The point is just that any president should be careful to not use such symbolism, whether intentional or not. In this case, given the occult influences in Obama’s background, it seems intentional to provoke religious conservatives and to communicate to others the occult nature of Obama’s own belief system.

Drustore Scene from "Natural Born Killers"
Drugstore Scene from “Natural Born Killers.” Note Caduceus Symbol

There are many prominent occultists in Hollywood, some of whom, were Obama’s biggest and most important supporters. Occult references abound in the popular entertainment media. This is a montage of scenes from the “camp” movie, Natural Born Killers.

The theme of the movie is mystical social Darwinism, survival of the strongest. Satanists often believe in social Darwinism that man should be as he was in nature and that a violent, life-or-death competition with other men, as in the natural world, will cause a race of higher beings (gods) to evolve. This was also a belief of the Nazis.

Adolf is a contraction in German for “Adler Wolf” (noble wolf) and Hitler often referred to himself as “Herr Wolf.” Hitler said that it was necessary to put the wolf back into young people. Satanists often admire the Nazis for their satanic qualities. Note the reference to the wolf in the clip.


Obamacare & Eugenics – Why the Government should NOT Control Healthcare!

4 thoughts on “Gnostic Occult Symbolism in the Obamacare Logo”

  1. People are brainwashed. When these communists can make the masses believe lies, that is how they control their minds. That is how they can make them comply and conform to pretty much anything. Progressive taxation and secret socialist programs are the ponzi scheme socialist policies they use to rob us and control us. They use all kinds of secrets, lies and deception to defraud US. WE THE PEOPLE fund and pay for everything they do at the ORIGINATION FRAUD. They have used control fraud and usury fraud on a scale behind belief to Capitalize and Monopolize everything. They tax US on anything and everything and raise taxes with no accountability or approval from the people. Ponzi Scheme socialism by the crony capitalists and the traitor politicians put us here. It was an Inside Job.

  2. Linda Venturella :People are brainwashed. When these communists can make the masses believe lies, that is how they control their minds. That is how they can make them comply and conform to pretty much anything. Progressive taxation and secret socialist programs are the ponzi scheme socialist policies they use to rob us and control us. They use all kinds of secrets, lies and deception to defraud US. WE THE PEOPLE fund and pay for everything they do at the ORIGINATION FRAUD. They have used control fraud and usury fraud on a scale behind belief to Capitalize and Monopolize everything. They tax US on anything and everything and raise taxes with no accountability or approval from the people. Ponzi Scheme socialism by the crony capitalists and the traitor politicians put us here. It was an Inside Job.

    People are brainwashed. When these communists can make the masses believe lies, that is how they control their minds. That is how they can make them comply and conform to pretty much anything. Progressive taxation and secret socialist programs are the ponzi scheme socialist policies they use to rob us and control us. They use all kinds of secrets, lies and deception to defraud US. WE THE PEOPLE fund and pay for everything they do at the ORIGINATION FRAUD. They have used control fraud and usury fraud on a scale behind belief to Capitalize and Monopolize everything. They tax US on anything and everything and raise taxes with no accountability or approval from the people. Ponzi Scheme socialism by the crony capitalists and the traitor politicians put us here. It was an Inside Job.

  3. you save that obamacare logo with the faceless people on it up top and look closely at the people. some are flashin the satanic symbol or devil sign or whatever you want to call it. and if you adjust the pic in this one mode the people turns to what looks like skeletons to me and looks like some kind of pool beneath their feet.

    plus the snakes and the pole. hammer n sickle. etc

  4. Apparently, almost all the renounce political leaders in the world are described to be attached in satanic groups in one

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